about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: woah! the CA1 week's just, crazy.
i gotta say but its just crazy. the english paper was fine, like usual. but was not THAT confident. cause i suck at english. The maths paper...... walaaaaaaweh. some questions were tough to the max sial. i burst my head doing that fcuking piece of toot siaaa. but, all i gotta do is, pray. the malay paper was easy, to say. so im not quite expecting high marks. as long as its at least between 'a'. not low'a', not possible to get high 'a'. so, somewhere in the middle. the science paper. waaaaaah, alot of mistakes siaaaaa. lyk we wasted ten fcuking minutes on ammendments. lyk wtf. maybe more then ten arh i guess i guess i din do my best fer dhis exam. all i haf to do is, pray. well, junnow was his bd. gave hym a pressie. hope he lyks it. bb, tc, ily izaan ilovehz thankyou |
title: |
title: hi.
i'm lyk, plannin to do smthn on his brthday that only becky and jessi know. i can trust them and THAT's guarenteed. the rest, i'm not quite sure. yup, only these two people that i can trust the most. now i know that it takes YEARS to know who you're true friend really is. walaau. just chatted wth hym, omg he was lyk, so sweet! i wont tell ya'll anythn. NEVER. ceyy no lah. walaaau, luckily i wasn't caught by ms vanitha junnow seyh, or else, die. k lah, I'm typing wth 1 hand ryte now. on the other, i'm taking care of my brother ryte hear hu HAS to go to sleep. aiyaaa. bb, ily. |
title: i know evrybody hates me. it's like, so obvious. you can admit it that you hate me in my tagboard. I'm
anyway, thrashed casuarina 10-0. now THAT reminds me that aisyah wanted to kill me, because i suck. see? I told you i suck. yar, I'm off. cause i know you'll get bored reading a post written by a sucker. |
title: birthday hello
my birthday dhis year is chocolaty siaaaa. its like almost evrything i get is chocolates. and THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! idk how to pay ya'll back. lets see, my mother gave me a 200g candy ampire chocolates, my sister bought fer me italian gelato ice-cream, Fiqqah gave me merci chocolates, nadhrah gave me one whole box of chocolates. as for the non-chocolates is; my father gave me alot of things, too many to list my sister, as i said in the earlier post, gave me a handphone pouch. woaaaaaaah. like, ohmaiGod. i still have lyk, ALOT of chocolates in my freezer which I'm going to keep for the days where I'll get stressed out and that's my medicine. anyways.... the match junnow was, lyk. bez siaaaa. i min lyk, I'm sorry to say ah but to be frank, i agree with wht mr shahizan said to aisyah and me, that we can do homework even while playing the game. I'm not lyk, trying to show off uh but I'm just being Frank right now. seriosly. The score got 18-0 for the last 30-45 secs and our team was lyk, eh two more ah two more. we keep shouting and shouting two more. but, for a first timer. that felt GREAT! after training, havocs. sent me until the police post dhen i wanted to buy bubble tea. went sweet talk. and me, saj, alaa and aisyah bought the same thing, oreo crush. slurps. went back home and dhey continued their "spending time together with sisters " time. i went back, drinking my bubble tea, dhen, tataaaaa nthn else thts intresting happened. lovesick's Izaan p/s havocs. the phrase on top ^^ doesnt mean tht im jealous, ayt. don get the wrong meaning. |
title: whoa, I'm slightly tired.
kay, just now i went to my second trip to t3. It wasn't as wow-ing though. we went t2 ferst cause ma fadder said tht we go t2 and take the sky train to t3. but.... the sky train could not reach t3. how great. after umar's susu tym, headed back to the carpark and saw cikgu salina dhere. how shocking. she played with umar and talked to my mudder. after that we went ... T3! yeah ate ya kun's. LOVE the kaya and butter toast. ~slurps~. that's one and after that, we saw.... Mr. Feisal! i was lyk, "wokays, who else is gonna come to t3? cikgu sriwani? cikgu rozmaini? or maybe, cikgu maimunah" LOL after eating that pathetic expensive set, who the hell will get full after that uh? I'm a big eater, as ya'll know. we went candy empire after that.... and guess what? my mudder offered me birthday present there! lyk, whoa! but she said buy the pick and choose one. how nice. it costs 3.80 per 100g, right? guess how much she offered? 200g! lyk, is she kidding me? aper lagi? i picked all the chocolates that's not available anywhere. including my all time favourite caramel koala chocolate! ~slurps~ oh yeah, talking bout berthdays, my sister gave me an advanced berthday present tau! a handphone pouch......love it. although i don have a single phone, who cares? i can still use that as my wallet, right? k... lets continue, shall we? we went to the mcdonalds to fill up our not-even-partially filled stomach with food. and my all time favourite mcdonald dish is, McSpicy. ~slurps~. dhen we curi alot of the mayonaise. k lah not exactly curi lah but mintak alot. and guess what, my mother campured the potato chips she bought with the fries. like, i could just be mistaken and but a potato chip and dip it into the chilli sauce. anyways, i still got my stomach full, right? k, love that family outing. hope to see it soon. wait, i am going to another family outing. we're going johor tonight! yeah! byebye I'm still lovesick Izaan |
title: Teardrops on my guitar Drew looks at me. I fake a smile so he wont see. That I want, and I'm needing, everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about. And she's got everything that i have to live without. Drew talks to me, I laughed cause its so damn funny. That I can't even see, anyone when he's with me He said he's so in love, he's finally got it right I wonder if he knows he's all i think about at night Chorus: He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar. The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star Here's a song, in the car, i keep singing don't know why, I do.... Drew walks by me, can't he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly, the kind of flawless i wish i could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all the love. Look in those beautiful eyes, and tell she's lucky cause Chorus: He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar. The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star Here's a song, in the car, I keep singing don't know why, I do... So i drive home alone, as i turn off the light. I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep at night He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart Here's a song, in the car, I keep singing don't know why I do... He's the time taken up, but there's never enough And he's all that i need to fall into Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see... lovesick; izaan |
title: hi....
Lyk, i know tht he had broken my heart for ALOT of tyms. and i sae it, ALOT. But, you just imagine that you have been waiting for this guy for three damn bloody years, than after that he broke your heart into small bits and pieces. Of course you want to forget about that guy cause you know he wont make you happy. But c'mon lah..... three bloody years ok..... three bloody years. And those who knew me since p3.... all the guys that i said that i'm having a crush on, were lies..... geddit, lies. I'm sorry i lied to all of you but i just have to lie. Put yourself in my position who would'nt wanna lie? c'mon lah, I'm a human. which bloody human doesn't lie? I got lovesick, Izaan 3 |