about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: Sialluh, long time never update siolzzzzzz.
hellow as you can see, i changed blogskin. =D andaaaaa, term2 just ended, i think k, maybe not just but a week ago but for us p6es, sadly, its till next week Wednesday. But actually its kinda good though. Rather than Staying at home doing nothing, I'd rather go to school and study together with my friends, that is. Cause if I study at home, alone, it'll be like so, insecure(if it's a correct word to use). Cause if i'm with them any queries will be answered instntly right after i voice out to them. But when studying alone, it'll be like, who the hell should i ask? Cause we have to see whether our family members are free first, right? so, that's what I think, I'm not sure of what you think. Today, 30th May 2008, was my sister's birthday. Love the so-called-celebration. y'know why? Cause we got Pizza Hut for dinner! slurpslurp. And yea, we were like, having the whole dinner table filled with the four letter word, FOOD! I felt like eating more seyh. But after feeling how extremely full was my stomach, hell no! And yea, like usual, birthday present giving right after that. yea when i gave, "thank you" K lah, i finish here. wanna run off. |
title: omg, MY HAIR!
After months nearly to a year or so, finally I hit the salon which is all the way in Johor. K, from the start. My whole family went for a drive last night at around 11++. We reached there at nearly to 2 a.m. And yea, Umar wasnt sleeping. woah you should have seen how happy he was. And the way he sondol-ed me when I was sleeping, absolutely adorable, i tell you. kk, fast forward. After getting ready and stuff we went to our all-time-favourite salon. Regular customers ah kire kan. Then after that it was CLOSED! blardy hell. But not onli tht know, they'll be moving to somewhere else larh i donno where. Sakit Hati beb. So fine ah we went around like crazy animals looking for salons. and when we found this shop, the fees you know how much, RM14 per person. The shop that that I mentioned to you earlier was only RM8 leh. but nvm. needa take that one cuz daddy's rushin fer werk. The hairdresser that I got was super damn blardy lambat lah saaaaaaaaa. She does it like she'll live forever siaaaa. C'mon, I started first and ended last ok! damn geram know. k find, not only that uhh. You know the picture I showed her from the design book they have was longer than my cut-ted hair. terperanjat seyh. I was like, " AH! WHY SO SHORT?!" I look like myself when i was three. The mak nenek becok that one. even that hair was nicer.this one so damn bloody short! farking tooot. I'll just pray that it'll grow fast! absolutely fast!. yea. k, lah enuf of blogging for now. and yea, if my updates arent regular, sry cuz im bitchily lazy to blog nowadays. bb ♥ |
title: damn i'm fucking TIRED!
I've been taking care of this little "prince" in the house which could never ever shut his mouth for once. Even with the power of four, this buddy here just can't get his mouth shut. My mum was off to work just now and left the four of us to take care of him. And how great, my dad's sick. But he did help out. Thanks yah. But he [Umar] was cute though. Still, taking care of him is almost the same as not sleeping for days. And yea, would you like it if they all went to sleep thinking that he is in lalaland already [k wait, actually he was, but a few minutes oni] leaving my alone with him. How irritating? But at least, i figured out a way to shut him up. The fam's gonna be out later for a jemputan or something. I DOWANNA GO! Damn tired sia. at least, gimmi a break will ya? and yea, now they're asleep, AGAIN. Kak Zurah probably locked the door not wanting me to go in and sleep. But yea, thank god mum's back. She's more experienced. :) wait, did i even say hello jst now? YES! My mudder just said to ayah this: "Bang if you're not okay don go lah." YAHOOOO!. k, don be too excited. stay calm. k lah bb Izaan(: p.s/Sialluh, penat sial! |