about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: continuation & addition. Okay, so I feel like blogging cause i've done almost everything on the computer and still have this blogging stuff to still be up to my hand to have a hard time. My hands have been having a luxury time. Now, do your job.
Omg, why am I stating crap here? Anyway, day 2. We basically met at Radiya's house and from there, the obsession of radiator-tak-menjadi starts to irritate my ears towards the whole journey. DAMN irritating, I swear. So anyway, me and Radiya fighted cause she wanted to take bus number 3 and I wanted to take 81. Because of our OWN reasons, if those kaypohs even bother to ask, I just state it there, so there'll be silence. ANYWAY, we took 3 cause it came first. Lucky you. Nehmind... So when we reached, immediately went looking round for stores. Kecoh siowww. Bt it was FUN! yeah. Anyway, Rad bought for me the book i wanted to buy cause it was damn kecoh with the diving cause our beloved Aqilah Faaiqah offered us her Popular card. Nice of her, I miss her. So yea, We were like going round like mad dogs jumping from one shop to another. Damn nice. And yeah, the clothes there are damn gorgeous, srsly. So envious. I was the ony person going gugugaga looking at those gorgeous clothes. I swear if one day I had a bf I'd ask him to buy that for me. Cheh, kidding. So geram seh. GORGEOUS!!!! Anyway, i find that the toilet on the __ floor of CS that was esp for female was cool. Jakon kann, for the fact I've never been there before. Kental kann. Anyway, we shopped (kida) till our stomaches were emptied. Ate at MACDONALDS!:) wakaka. luvluvluv. bought THE all-time favourite McSpicy yumyumyum. Went to take MRT to WS to take neoprints. fun, kecoh, srsly. So that's basically it, i needed to rush home cause i had to be back by 5. pahtetic. in conclusion, it was another rockass day. I have another rockass day, JR. will blog about it later. love, ZAAN |
title: he thinks im hot. |
title: those two rockstar days. Yes, as the title states, those two days were awesome, seriously.
The first day. The Science Paper day. The almost done with PSLE day. Yes, that day. After the paper, we were SUPPPPHOSED to go to HMT supp. Yes, after that. BUT, Cikgu Rozmaini did'nt come. Wanted to go home straight after the prefect meeting. But, it all started when i saw those two little rockstars at Dina's place. Crossed over with the intension just to say hellogoodbye. BUT suddenly Aqilah said, "I dowan go home ah, lets stay back" or something like that. We went to Loyang POoint to buy some Bubble tea and fries. We gossiped while eating then skali on our way back, my eight-word sentence made the day so fantastic. "I got to know Aqilah Faaiqah's handphone number." THAT made that rockass Radiya gugugaga and then she damn excited go and RUN to school to call. First, we called my house to ask my father to check her number that I saved. Then when we called, her mother picked up and to make it short, she told us the unit number cause she's living near Radidi. WOWZERS. yup, I know. DAMN crazy I swear. Running to the bus-stop. sialluh, damn fun bodo. Went to Radidi's goddamn big hse to put our bags. Walk to the unit number like mad dogs tryna find some hidden bone out of nowhere. Srsly, ibaratkan lah eh. So anyway, when we finally reached 116, got reluctant to press that fcking doorbell. When we belled, the nenek opened the door. asked whether she was in and she said she was still sleeping. We actually wanted to come as a surprise visit with no intention other than meeting her. BUT they treated us like, org dtng jln rayer. Like hello, raya-ing with uniforms? kekek sioww. Really unexpected. But it was damn fun. So basically chit-chatted with her. She changed ALOT and well, her craziness din change, in fact she got crazier, which is, ___________(?) So basically, we went home, she sent us back. in conclusion this rockstar day will never be forgotten, not once. AH, day two. The day started of as per normal, only after paper we clebrated like fcking shit ass. Damn happy. Took 17 with rad. Got home and staightaway siap. Damn jakon. So when we reached there... ah k fck. my cuzzin's pissing my ass off. i'll continue later. ZAAN |
title: Freedom finally. I'm Back!
Finally, after 1597532846 second/minutes/hours/days/weeks/years I've not been posting. I'm finally back to basics. As you can see, I've changed my blogskin, which is way nicer, nicer than expected. C'mon ya'll gotta admit it, nicer right?? Anyway, finally all the important exams are over. Yes, taking HMT tomorrow wont do a single shit to the aggregate. So, what for study?! siallan saa budak nih. :P . So anyway, the English peper was OKAY. i define the OKAY. But it was quite tough. yeah, with snippets of tough questions here and there. Overall it was okay, like I said. Yea, about english, Hafiz did'nt do two questions. which was like, WOW! ishishish... keshian. MATHS! waaah, the killer paper. Seriously, it was damn tough. Not like some smartass who think it was easy[SYAFE] or average [}/NABILAAH] yes, smartasses. Becky cried cause she lost 8 marks cause she never do. Well, as i always do, comfort her. And like what Farrah Foo says, "motheranddaughter" connection. WTF?! And again about Hafiz, he din finish ALOT of questions. Again, KESHIAN... Malay. Average nothing much to talk about. I guess. I think. K whatever. Science. for me, it was quite easy, except for some questions. with the help of the last-minute science clinic that morning with Mrs Chang that morning, thank god. Wah skali after the paper, happy like shit siaa. serious. Although we were not supposed to be THAT happy, I was. teehee. I regret. I really regret. If the person I'm talking about reads this, I'm sorry but, I just regret. Seriously, I regret telling you directly that I wanna be friends again. I regret not telling her that even if we were friends, It doesnt mean I forgive her. I just simply regret. And thanks for the help of Radiya, I don''t feel left out. Yeah, now I've realised, She's me true best friend, like come on la, you remember every single crap i did in kindergarten until now. I'll not forget you ever, i swear. OH! and just now, had a goddamn good time with Radiya and Aqilah, serious! damn fun. I lazy to story tell now, later ah, my hands tired redi. sry. see that's why I have fun with them more than her. ZAAN |
title: |
title: tomorrow=doomsday |