about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: 18th November 2008 :D Hello people.
So, I had a real good time yesterday. VERY. I lovelovelove. The day started off when I went to take my Madrasah PSLE exam. Yea, the paper ended and 10.30 and so, I didnt want to wait so long at home to siap so I took my precious time to reach home. Yea, so reached home and used the computer a while and then ate lunch then siap. Yea, k boring. Oh yea, I HAD to wear that effing tudung but yea, this rockstar's gotta escape hunneh. :D kk, fast forward. When we reached the pit, I, the minah tudung who was teased to be step alim, immediately transformed into and short sleeved some-sort-of jersey and a knee lengthed shorts. Yep, that's me.Kk, help cikgu with the tray wrapping and then erm... played biclycle and i was damn slow lah makcik. I admit, I was slow, but dude, i dont even cycle alot. Seriously. And i gta blame Syami's bike cause it was heavy thus I cannot move that damn thing. And that's part of the reason I was slow. And yea, while I was speeding, guessed what? I swerved and then lost balance AND I went straight into the bark of a tree. Yes, paiseh. Could hear strangers in bicycles laughing silently, musikalala. K, basically had a slight sprained ankle and forced myself to cycle that last few bits. Kekek I swear. I hardly could move. And thanks to that lovely Nadhrah, she helped, me. After that I think I ate. Yea, I did. But, while I was eating my chicken, bloody Suleiman and Syurahbil wanted to throw the water bombs at me. Like, wtf at least wait for me to finish first lah. CB kann. K anyway, finished my food and started to play with em, BUT i din use bombs but one whole bottle of 100+ to be thrown. Fun I swear, I think using the bottle I poured water at Nabilah, Maryam, Nadhrah, Hariz, Adib, Syamir, Hadi, and a lot more. FUNFUNFUN. While the other people were plying at the beach, splashing water, we were POURING water. Fun sia. After that Fiqqah came and attacked her. Woohoo. But then after that Hamizan disturbed Fiqqah and she asked me to throw the coke at him.yea, with the help of Nadhrah, we managed to throw SEAwater. Although it wasnt coke but heck, he'd rather have tapwater to be thrown at him rather than seawater. What a Mummy's boy. :P And so, Nadhrah took his sandals and went into the sea. He begged for it and didnt wna get the hell in hte water to take his beloved slipper. Penakot sia. Ape lagi, Me and Nabilah pushed him from the back ah. wah, damn fun sia I swear. When in the water me and Nadhrah listed out all the things that he done to us and made him do somwthing to show us that we were sorry. Wallau, evil but heck, I had fun, And that's the main aim of that damn outing right? Yea, so what he was supposed to do was to right a humungous "SORRY, NADHRAH AND IZAAN" an the sand. Well so he did. After getting pushed, splashed, beaten, thrown into the water, threatened, I was finally satisfied, enough ah, penat seh! BUT Nadhrah was STILL not satisfied, "eh kau tak penat ke layan deni?" haiyo. Then basically what I did after that was, talking to Nad, and bathing. yepp. so, the fun ended there for me. though i know it would have continued if it wasnt because of my mum. pfft. in conclusion, i LOVE 18.11.2008 :D love, Izaan :) |
title: The Picnic. |
title: it's so hard. The graduation was yesterday, and I have been crying since.
All the fun times, the boring times, the good times, the bad times, every second, is meaningful to me. Pasir Ris Primary School has been the second home for me. With all my friends that I call them my family. In fact, it IS my home. My first home. With teachers who understand us more than our parents, and friends who care for us more than our siblings. Yes, It feels so hard just moving my muscle to leave out of the school. Yesterday, the slides they showed us, just sent my tears down. It was touching, VERY. All my friends, there with me, like a family, suits perfect in the picture. All my friends, they make my life more meaningful. Only God knows how much love I gave them. Pasirians, Thank you so much for all the love you've gave me. Every second with you has been very lovely. Leaving all of you is like, leaving myself. You are the ones who make myself who I am today. You make feel like a rockstar. Whenever I'm with you, I'm happy. That's why I go really high whenever you people are around me.I don't know what else to say to you, cause more than words to show you how I feel, that i value the friendship more than ever. All I can say is that, I love you all. You make my life more meaningful, you make me who I am today. Last but not least, you make me your friend. And I really love that. Once again, thank you so much you little earthlings. I love you. love, Izaan. |
title: 07/11/08; an advanced christmas HOHOHO!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! most fun day. left the school at 11.30. smacking non-toy ambasador's faces when they saw us and KNOWING we'll be back home only at arnd 7. WOOHOO! so, we were like, changing and laft the school. Had a goddamn fun day with nabilahs damn humorous crap which started at the bus. And yea, dont forget that Jansen. When we reached there, carried ALL the toys which are like, over a hundred of em to our booth. Lucky got the students there if not we die under the hot sun carrying all the heavy toys. When we reached there, i THINK we did the arranging of toys first, then the decorations, and then wearing the SANTA HATS! firstly, the arranging of toys. Man, it was SO much the fucking table is not even anough to put the whole thing lah duh! haha. Arranged everything until cannot arrange anymore. DECORATIONS! tied, the balloons, AND that's it. Santa Hats. LOVELOVELOVE em. Thank you SO MUCH Ms Mak for the hats.It was, COOL. Just when we thought that we looked awesome already with our white togetherness (except for jansen), SKALI, the 'host' said, "Toy ambasadors, please put on your vests". bodoh saa laki nih. cibai:P Yea, but what to do, for the sake of the CHILDREN. yea, right. So anyway, basically got stressed out with the kids asking them what the fuck do they want. Cause ALL the buddies i got were SHY! URH! tried all types of thing to do with them but NOOOO! they're shy! Gotta deal with em. Suffered all the way asking them what the fuck they're gna do. wallau. after that, NASIB! got performance. They have to be at the hall. THAT's the time where I had my lunch which is basically laughing at the shit jokes with Nabilah and Jansen. Laughed until no mood to eat. Seriously, hyper saa budak nabilah tuu. mcm nk kene tampar. After that, went back down, i think. yea, to get ice cream with Nadja. THEN went up, and Phoebe asked ME to follow her down, to get a hair spray. goodm went back up. THEN arable asked ME to follow her DOWN cause she wants to get a hair spray TOO! to be a good friend, I followed her down. Met Phoebe after her spray and played with the water babies and did MORE stuff. In the end they wanted to get a tatoo and I wanted to go up. when I reached upstairs, ZI SING asked me where is phoebe. told her where she was. then her say go senang say, "follow me go find her" eh ko piker klakar pe? FINE! she pulled me and my legs moved by itself. looked for her then did more stuff and had more ice cream and played more games and had more fish balls. Got up, sat with Fiqqah and Nabilah after donno how many times going up and down. count yourself if you rajin. Sat there, lepaked and hide from Mr Ong cuz dowan do duty. :P WHILE doing thet, i was like, playing with my hat's bulu then SKALI it torn off from the hat. WTF?! i was like, "dude, this looks like your pubic hair. Seriously, imagine having white hair on your penis/vagina. COOOOOOL. haha, went back to do our duty and basically, THERE WERE NO DUTIES! actually, there is, PLAYING WITH BALLOONS! :D best siot. and the packing up was awesome too. seriously, we had bring all the toys there to the stage. LOVELOVELOVE After that, nabilah continued her hyperness in the bus while i struggle there with my perot aching. oh wait, NO when we were waiting for the bus. yea, a damn stomach-aching period. damn cool. reached the school. went to LP! on our way to LP, we were like, wearing out santa hats and saying merry christmas to almost everyone we saw in sight. KEKEK SIA! we make people stare at us. and SMILING. esp the elderly couple. We were like walking to LP like that with all our crazy nonsense. LOVELOVELOVE "I dare you to go in macdonalds with the hats" yea, everybody was up to it. in a group mah! going in, people having thier dinner were distracted by lost santarinas adding black into thier costumes. funfunfun. ATE and CHATTED shit and dirty stuff and laughed like mad! seriously! sumer nabilah nye pasal ah. have to thank her. so anyway, we went to the toilet and talk pantat. haha. sumer nabilah uh. basically went back home and gave a warm hug to arabel ONLY. pfft. that's the end its a loved day never to be erased. to all my firends out there, thank you for making my life more meaningful. you're the one who make myself me today. i love you guys, ALOT. I'm gonna miss you, all very much, until the last tear i cry, leaving ya'll. with loads of love, Izaan. |