about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: im back, finally. hello.
so i guessed its been so freaking long i even remember being on this page. Right from the first day of school, until now, coming to an end of the month, A LOT of things have happened recently, and i mean it truckloads. The bad, the good. The boring the exciting. The scary, the exciting. everything. Even things that are "cencored" which are not allowed to be heard/seen by humans except for the great one, me. I am talking crapiowzerz, so let's just move on aye? Lets start it with camp. Yeh, i tell you conclusion first, I LOVE CAMP TRUCKLOADS TO THE MAX! Seriously, it was the most fun three-day stay i had in my 12 years existing in this small Earth. Although I practically lend my voice to archie's (=i lost my voice), it was still worth it. Haha. i wont like tell ya'll the exact stuff happened and the sequence and all that. but I'll just tell ya'll hte highlights of the day. Day 1 Day 1 was, fuuuuuuuuun. my OGLs were Chiwai (sounds like chibai right? haha but he way older than me, so cannot insult.), Raudha(h), she's my sister's friend and she called me "adik" on the first night. pfft. Cause Ms Chan wanted Ali to forgive me and I didn't wna stand with the idiot who called me homeless. BUT Ray (Raudhah) called me "adik" and then suddenly i remembered that she'll tell my sister bout this. so, it's safer to stand up, gah! wait, the other two were Zafran and Manda. Manda; she's tha fave! oh yeah, Charmian too. sorry Charmian if you're reading this. The day went on with supercalifragilistic fun games and rocking cheers that made my lungs burst. you should've seen the way i screamed out everysingle letter. funn i swear. yeh, and bathe time was torture. I mean like not even a single minute they knock the door like they want fight like that. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaak i was like trembling and all that stuff until i was like, UH! hard to explain. stupid make me fall in the bathroom On the first night i cannot sleep at all. Thinking of something that only Phoebe and Sherwyn is allowed to know until Ray came and scold us cause we not asleep. she ask us to count sheeps but it doesnt work siaaaa. she say work. what only. liar lah you. k, sorry if you're reading this. :P guess what time i slept and what time we're supposed to wake up? I slept at 4 and supposedly to wake up at 5.30am. yeh cool right? day 2. you know i was the most hyper-est at that point of the day? even if i only slept 1.5 hrs craaaaaaaaaazy (sialllah my sister say after she eat she want use then now i have to faster............................... kimek) kk, fast forward to the campfire. THE CAMPFIRE WAS THE BOMB I SWEAR! seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had most fun at the campire cause it was like, howta say, most fun ah! giler ah! hyper to the max siowwwwwwwww! and then, i got to hold the candles AND THAT WAS SOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. cause it was like marking the nd of the camp and everybody was freaking sad. And for the first time of my life, I actually shouted the school song together with the rest of us. and when it came to our turn, we ruined it. but hey, we had a freaking hell lot of fun. day 3 nothing much. just that we went back to school for CNY celebrations. which is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fun. will talk about it when its time. (prolly never) haha, i love you izaan./ |
title: 1st day... The first day of me wearing a diff uniform other than PRPS was actually, interesting, i guess. It was like any other first-day-of-school in other schools except, ours were a lil different. Of course lah, if every school's the same then like, so boring right? Haha. k so here's the story...
Woke up at freaking 6.30am and had to rush bathing and doing all slenger stuff. Then when I was ready, my mother still can like, "wah first day of shool ah. take picture la!"(said in malay but translated for the sake of english readers). Then after i got my allowance, I went rushing out of the house and skali i had to settle nieghbour stuff but was FREE! BUT I was surprised to know that I was actually walking REAL slow, even though I might have been late. Then i had to go in the school with a bunch of seniors scattered all over me. Lucky I follow them correctly. As per normal, we were lined up in the parade We were brought up to the hall after that, and had a torturing speech from the principal. I swear he talk till i slept saa. I, right here, recovering from a sickness, feeling hot/cold and mixed up feeling and sitting sqeezily at the hall under the air-cond and attending a lecture or wadev you call it. And that's not it, there's a slideshow from the discipline master and he was freaking boring i swear. oh and the tortur would have been more exciting for me if i had my energy back. So irritating... Then we had our recess. HELL YEAH IT'S AN HOUR! But, all the freaking four levels combine, leaving croeded recess and everyon had to take turns and hog. But that's all i always do, hog and sit around chatting with ma friends. GAH! So we sad down on the floor, chit-chatting. Haha. Then went back to class and had funfunfun games with the student councillors. We played all sort of fun-giller nak mamps games and then skali its our Went back to PRPS to see our beloved teachers. MS VANITHA, MRS PANG, MRS CHANG WERENT THERE! mike, damn sad sia... anyway met mr ong, mr long, cikgu rozmaini, cikgu salin, cikgu zarina, cikgu sriwani, cikgu ismad, and mr khalid. oh and i frgt about mr khairuddin. and the food stall owners; my friends. they all recognise me know! so sweeeeeet. so maybe going back there tomorrow to meet our beloved three teachers. gah. BYE! |
title: Damn. Now is like less than 24 hours until my first day of school. And guess what? I'm sick! I was actually sick yesterday; sore throat. And then later at night, block nose. And then later somewhere in the middle of my unpleasant sleep, I got a fever. NOOOOOO. Right now I'm feeling extremely hot [as in, literally]. So I have no freaking enerygy to actually use this computer in the first place. I'm using cause I'm waiting for she's the man which starts in an hour; 9.30.
See, erm... -I havent buy my PE pants -I have no socks. -I'm sick Yes, this is all happening in less than 24 hours to school. "THIS is my luck"-Bruce Almighty. GAH! sick Izaan |
title: Hello 2009. The new year's here, and I think I'm overly-excited about it. Though a fact which i got to know 20hrs ago should make me hate 2009, I think I'm really looking forward to this. Right now all my beloved PRPS friends are scattered all over Singapore, tearing us apart. They're probably in school now, getting to know their new friendsin their new school. And I pray to God that those new friends of theirs better take good care of my beloved primary school mates. They better not let them get wild and gone-cased MnM's [mat's and minahs]. I'm saying this cause I love 'em, ALOT.
So, my new beginning and a new chapter of life life will start when I enter the gates of Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School on Monday. There, I'll be following my New year resolutions; too many to explain. I've been a naughty girl in 2008. And trust me, even if I was a cristian celebrating Christmas, Santa wont be giving me any presents. There, I know I'd have to make resolutions, to make myself a better person. I know Secondary school's the place where teenagers test their parent's patience. I try to make myself not do that, though I know I will. Wait, I just wanna state a fact that, softball guys in PRCS are freeeeeaking hot. Haha, random. So i guess I'll spend this weekend packing my stuff, photocopying this and that, doing whatever it takes to make my gorgeous bag safe for the year, everything to prepare myself for the new beginning.while doing that, I know I'll be tearing up, joy and sadness. Happy cause I'll be leaving my bad memories and make good ones. Sad that I'll know that I'll be in a different school, not PRPS. Which sucks, REALLY does. All I can say, Hello 2009. Zaan |
title: It has been proven that I was meant to forget about him. And I'm supposed to move on. I can't take that painful fact in me. But I was forced to. Yes, other people would ask me to move on, but as the saying goes, "easier said than done". I was supposed to be looking forward to it, but now, I'm not.