about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: yes i still love you |
title: heating up the fats. Hello.
Just now was, super fun. like, seriously.. but damn tiring, can feel the babats lost. haha.. So like we went to have our breakfast at the airport - at the staff canteen, as usual - after picking my daddaye up from work. He was super lucky, like when he wanted to go up to the canteen, his friend told him that there's alot of can drinks, that they're bout to throw away if it aint gon' be finished. After breakfast, I thought we were gonna go to the East Coast one, padahal at PRP. We parked the car at the horse riding place the carpark there. Then got bicyclekiosk. So like, double $8, and single $6. And you know what, my mother was like, "take 5 singles ah" in my heart i was like, mummy are you okay? seriously. but we ended up taking two singles, one double (my sisters, i wanted single:D) and one single with baby seat. So i was like, ok fine, suresure. then, youknowyouknw, i was like the first one to go off first. coolio kan? Cause i missed cycling and wanted to just go off, without waiting for anyone. I didn't know that part of the park was freaking peaceful and bloody nice. Like this you go out with your gf/bf cycling it'll be super romantic. Chey zaan bbual werld ah. So anyway, cycled then waited for kakaksss. Cause I'll get lost if i dont cycle with them. And e'eh you know, they sajer you know. you know the sign got say no bicycles allowed in the mangrove, they still go in you! what's with the slang man?izaan stop your nonsense, please. So then, cycled then there was this, bridge, got slopes at the end. we and our childishness,go up and down the slopes like nobody's business. Then saw mummy and daddaye with umarion coming. so like, we cycled togethergether to the end of PRP. that side also romantic. got the pokok so freaking easy to climb. but cannot, not in the right attire. haha.. so like, drank up then started cycling till the other end of PRP. On the way back, we stopped at the playground, where we literally became a kid back again. seriously, your guys should have seen how crazy it was. ppl all stare at us, but who cares, it rocked man.. to be continued.. |
title: I want a bicycle. Hello.
I think, I'm in need of something. Something that will change my life, for the better. Something that will make me happy, forever. I'm in need of, a bicycle. I'm serious. If I have a bicycle I would prolly like, cycle everyday to school. Which means, risks of me being late would be slimmer. That would also give me a bloody good exercise in the morning. Then when I'm bored, I can just go down, take my bike and cycle around Pasir Ris. That, again, would give me a good exercise. I want a bicycle lah chicken. Anybody who's kind enough to buy me a bicycle, i swear I'd love you, veryveryvery much. Izaan |
title: oh my pretty boy. |
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title: camp:) Hello.
I just came back from camp one hour and 23 minutes ago. All I have to say it, I experienced alot during the camp - which made it the best. We had laughter, cries. Experience the normal and the paranormal. Everything. Day 1 Reported at school at around 7 - 7.15 like that. Then we got to our platoons and had spot check for bags. I think that usually the USM will be stricter than the ASM. But right from the first day, I was proven wrong. Luckily the one that checked my bag was Maizurah (USM). Omairah (guessed that right, ASM) checked really thorough until the pencil cas and wallet every compartment she check sia. Maizurah only touch2 feel2, nothing, done. Ok so anyway, went to our bunks (classroom) to put our bags. After that, went to our platoons and do whatever activities planned. k, fastforward. There was this game, called No One Dies. DAMN fun. Had the most fun there. Practically Juliet Company won. 'Cause we're strong - strong enough to stay together and strong enough to pull out everybody. For those of you kental people who don't know how to play this game, meet me somewhere and play with me. But make sure you bring at least 10 peeps along. Chey bbual real saa zaan. K, I'm just gon' tell the highlights for the day ah k? K, then what I remembered clearly was the netball competition. That was gerek. Oh and bloody hell we din get to play rugby. Stupid guys playing i-don't-know-what-either-soccer-or-softball in the field. then cannot play chiiiiiiiiiiiiiikenssss. k, fast forward giler, After dinner was bath time. We were sent back to our bunks at around 6++. Then like, we wanted to wait downstairs until 7.15 ah. Cause instructions given to bathe at 7.15. Then they thought that we want to go down to bathe. But before that we saw the Part Bs bathing already so we thought can bathe ready ah. Then we went down the stairs then Omairah asked us to go back up. Then sialluh, her temper shot up like hyper man. Seriously,we had to do half body pumping position for two minutes and add another if move. And you know I stay there I was like the only one sweating got pool damn besar siaa. as in, seriously, like rain puddle. She thought I was crying, that's why she say, "cry ah, I don't care" like wtf?! tsktsktsk. Okay, then Maizurah took over and she left to do it on the Part Ds. I don't know why they were punished but yeah, they were. Maizurah damn baek I tell you, like finally, she's the one who let us sit down. K, after we bathed and all that, we were supposed to go night walk at PRP know, then skali tak jadi. Damn sedih. But after listening to why they had to do that, I was quite happy they stopped us. I need not say what the reason is. Wait no, it's more like, I dare not say what's the reason. eh sialluh, i damn tired. continue next time ah sia! izaan:D |
title: phew. |
title: I'm back, i think. Hello noobs.
K sorry, you guys aren't noobs, you guys rock my ass out! It's been a gazillion years since I've updated. I think you readers (that is if I have any) have white hair already waiting for me. Sorry guys. Within the period of time I've not been updating, alot of things happened. Things have change, good things, bad things. And most importantly, I have changed. All thanks to students of Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School. They are the people who made my life more miserable. Now I really feel like I'm no one, I'm ashamed to say this, about my own school, but I have to let it go. They just suck yeah, that's the word. I mean like, URH! I'm super pissed and angry and mad and I wish I could rewind time or something so that my life wont be as miserable as it is now. More than words. It's just really irritating, annoying having to go through this everyday. I love Pasirians. You guys are really the best. I love you and I miss you alot. Hope there wasn't a goodbye to you that night, during graduation night. I just hope that we'll stay united as one, forever. Because you are the people who make me who I am today. Or rather, you guys make me the person who I'm supposed to be. Not now, where I'm just a simple loner which nobody cares bout, except for those who have the heart to be kind enough to me. Once again pasirians, I love you so much and I miss you. I can even cry myself to sleep thinking of how much I miss you people. Thank you. NCC's getting along good. So far, we have already learnt a few of the drills, TAPI YANG AKU FEDAP DRANG LOM AJAR MARCHING! kk, translate, but the one that I'm most fed-up with is that they still have not thaught us marching. Yeah, irrrritating. I missed yesterday's lesson which had drills and all that and I missed it. So now, I don't know the drills while they're already going to pro. Then erm, CAMP FEAST! Camp Feast was gerek i swearr. But actually quite boring also ah, cause I didn't get to do the high-rope element cause the freaking cloud just had to let down all the rain which makes us not do the elemant. GAH! BUT I'm happy that I got to do the flying fox :D Lucky got no candid camera there if not my muker smemek damn malu siaaa. Even the sir taking care of the trolley party said, "muker maintain ah!" K so, basically had fun. LOTLOTLOT to say... And there will be ANOTHER camp. already. Cool kan? But VERY pathetically, its only bloody 2 days 1 night. Like whaddahelllll. And that night's gon' be nightwalk, means no campfire.pfft. But I don't care. As long got campp! That would me my 4th camp, only. Eh wait, can be considered 5th, if included Bangkok trip ah... I think that's all for now. Think I post again later tonight. not sure.. Always a Pasirian, Izaan:) |