about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: guitargeek School holiday is here and right now, I'm too lazy to start work. So right now, I'm currently addicted to:
![]() Try, go to MindJolt games website and then go search guitar geek. You'll get addicted, AND IT'S FUN! Or better, go facebook applications and search for mindjolt games and blabla.. :D |
title: sucksucksuck |
title: releive, NOT Finally, about the whole week I'm occupied. Until tomorrow, all there's left to do is School.
Until 12.30. No Public Speaking, No NCC, No Outdoor Performance Rehearsal. But then again. Looking to the future of bullshit holidays, I don't think it's even holidays. With outdoor performance almost everyday, then the Science Centre, The NEWater Energy Conservation or whatever crap there is. Then there's still holiday trip with my parents balek kampong. Then still got the piling holiday homeworks that need to be done by bloody hell next term.you tell me how the fuck am I supposed to survive. I don't even call it holiday lah please. So wish me luck niggas. |
title: school I'm in SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
Evil right? supposed to do the bookcross thingy then cher wna do for me. Good lor. Oh yar, now she's blog-hopping and found my blog. But too bad my blog's private. :D So in 45 mins time, doomsday. oh Wait, kim's staring at the comp. Kaypo peeps. So back to my story, cause Later is public speaking exam. And I'll have to stand in front of 40-4+2 people talking about teenage depression. psst, I haven memorise the script. :D So before I got pulled on the ear, gotta run. zaanzxzx |
title: isuckisuckisuck hello.
mind refering to the title. Indeed, I do. School has been fun nowadays, though I know it's super tiring. Nowadays, the routine has been like, school, public speaking/early CCA, Mass display rehearsal. Yeah, tomorrow's gon be the same, and I'm broke. I have to survive two days without moneyyy. Sedih kan? So anyway, I laughed my ass out during Mr Tan's lesson. Public speaking, nothing much. I dont know whether to sing or not, the beginning. Cause cher say is sing got more points. Which, I'd REALLY like. So wish me luck tomorrow yeah people. Mass Display, although fun, but damn retarded. Seriously. But actually, it WAS cute. Seriously, very cute. I like. Mr Azhar hop hot sia. Super cute. But I think we're gonna work our asses out to make this thing tha best. Tomorrow's gonna be a damn long day, which I hope to survive. survivor |
title: :D hello.
today was preoccupied. Yeah, tired myself. Though I would mostly say this during CCA days, today was still tiring, but not as terok. So after school we had Public Speaking, which was ok, just that I was thought about the techniques, which helped me ALOT for Thursday later this week. Damn, if only it's not included in CA and SA2, i wouldn't have taken this seriously. But well. Before that, I didn't know about the Mass Display reahearsal. I didn't come on Friday and they fixed the positions already. Meaning, I'm reserve. Sad seyyy. Shit lah, if only I didn't oversleep. So like, me, Ain and (crap, I forgot her name) were like standing in front step besar like the teachers in charge of the whole thing. See, even I knew more then ma'am I forgot her name also. I just realised, I'm BAD at memorising names. But seriously, it was funn. So I didn't know it was THAT short till I get going back home. Went to interchange with Atikah cause I needed to buy my gutter. So took same bus. One stop after Atikah's stop, met NUR NADHRAH Man I miss her, vehvehveh much. Unfortunately, it was only a few stops away from my house. We didn't get to chat alot. But I know I thing that shocked the freak out of me. Serious shit shocking. I say, that person need LOTS of explanation to do to me. with love- yours truly |
title: addiction and tempation |
title: Irritating I damn menyampah, guys who just hop around on the net be it friendster/facebook/tagged or whatever and find any girl they think is hot, ask for e-mail, chat on msn, ask for stead.
Thank god this blog's private. If not, you'll be damn sure I'm talkin' bout you, asshole. Seriously know, super menyampah. |
title: time goes by, by, so quickly. halu.
you miss me right, I know. Of course. Everybody does. Well. What to do when your computer and mum's laptop can't work? The only working machine that works is my sister's poly notebook. Which take a bloody hard time to persuade her to at least lend it to us. Well, genius me saved the day. See.. Parents are out to Batam (yeah of all places. Don't know what type of tsunami they're in now ah seriously.) Like, f yay. Cause It's home alone with sister(s). Kakak number 2 went to silat. And there she left me, kakak number 1 and this notebook. Me being the closer sister to her, is allowed to know the password and when sister number 1 wants to use, she MUST ask me to go in for her. If not then too bad. So well, now is like my turn to use it. I know my kakak trust me more than kakak number 1. Nyaha I'm good. I was back from floorball training; something which I have not been doing for a very long time. miss it man. Some of my skills were lost. Damn girl. And now I know the secret. NYAHA. no lah nothing. Zaan bbual merepek eh. Anyway, since now my curfew has ended, I CAN go to training. :DDDDDDDDD Big YAY Oh yar, you know, I din go to NCC yesterday cause I overslept. Cause like, I finish at 12.30, NCC start at around, 4. What the fuck am I gonna do for that period of time when there's no bloody computer? sleeeeeeeeeeeep. So then skali, before that, I asked my mommaye wake me up at 3. THEN, she din hear. WHICH I thought she did. Smart aye? Then I ended up waking up at 4.15. how cool is that man. So I skipped. Din wanna do pumping. Drama abit with them can already. :D And I have to say, for the first time, I heard Yen Peng, Jie Yi, Jia Le and Samantha being THAT loud. good job people. nyaha. Alot has happened and im tired out of my muscles to be typing any further. wassalamun. |
title: outinggg(: before I say anything about the awesomazing "reunion" with all time beloved PRPS rockstars, I think I'd have to thank the all-time merepek-er hyper-ist and gila-___ :
Siti Nabilah Yeah, I think I would be able to cheer up thinking of her. Aww. Yeah, I know I'm like, super sweet, like duh! Haha k. So I'm supposed to go to Public Speaking Just now but was cancelled. So when I bragged myself to go home after school, suddenly Farah Masturah sayang saved my life. She said she's meeting Cikgu Amirah and wanted me to follow. Yessah babe. Then like, we went there with Azlina following. From far can see the hyper group making a stupid fool of themself. Sorry babes. So like, then lepaked and bbual with my Havocalistics sayangss which I have not talked to for long. So we joined the rest of them at E!hub 5th Storey and ghost storied. That freaked Cikgu Amira and Sach sayangss. Sorry guys. But somebody started it, so it continnued. When we saw Sach's face freaked out like, super giler mampos nyer freak out, jalan ah sia. So like, we cabut the place and walked to the badminton hall near there. Then soon, I left with cikgu. Cause it's 5.30.oh and, Sorry Farah that your parents saw you. I hope you din get World War 3 Happening in your house! Signed sincerely, me |
title: temptations ![]() ![]() I'm craving for these two edible matters that came down from heaven. Or at least, tastes as heavenly. People say that if you're craving for chocolates, means you're in love. I don't believe that rather. All this bullshit. Why are people believing in these kind of unproven theories so much that it affects their life? Only God knows and should be believed in. He's the one that gives permission for it to happen. Not the person who made up the theory or the fortune teller. Again, I don't understand people nowadays. I want my chocolates. |
title: off duty. I'm home, on Monday, during school hours. Cool kan. and this only (i think) applies to Crestians. Oh wait I think I saw Syamir online just now. But then again, I don't know. Maybe he's sick? Don't know that much. So anyway, I shall conclude again that
There's no school today. Yeah, which, is awesomazing. I'm dragging to go to school, but at the same time, cannot tahan staying at home when all I hear is those... Izaan shut up. "don't wanna talk about about it. don't wanna think about it. I'm just so sick about it." -Cry me a river - Justin timberlake. anyway, I would like to thank Radeedeeo for the riminding of "he thinks im hot" oh yeah, let me tell you crestians. There was once apon a time after PSLE last year, we went merayaping everyday after school. So like on our way to our loitering place, we gossip and all that stuff. Then somehow rather we came across a topic about ________. Then I said, "He changed alot." Then you know what this Radeedeeo heard? "WHAT HE THINKS I'M HOT?!?!?!?!" like I know right? Man I miss those days, I miss primary school. There's where I began my life and I certainly want to end it there. Though I can't come back because of the irritating security guard, my parents who doesn't allow me to to go floorball trainings. Yeah, practically, it suck not visiting a place where your whole life is. I just can't let go everything. Too much memories are there for me to let go, too much. And I'm missing it more than I miss you-know-who. And some of you know how much I miss you-know-who kan? I love primary school, I love my primary school friends, i love my primary school teachers, last but not least, I love Pasir Ris Primary School. very much. xoxo |
title: :D Before I do Anything, I would like to thank
Maryam Sajidah for the everlasting concern. Yeah, love you. :D ANYWAY, just now was imlak exam. I din even study so we cheated. The three of us got with plans like, taking picture, writing down, hide textbook under bag [cool kan exam boleh bawak bag?]. Then at last pon, we still left blanks, in an exam! Yeah, try doing that n curriculum school. DIE! For the rest of the day, me and Nazhirah merepek-ed the whole day while Salwaa being the kakak kept stopping us. TAK HERAN! Serious ah that girl, not only the sister giler. She also one kind of craziness. USTAZ AZMAN DIDN'T COME AGAIN!!! wallaueyy, he never come the whole class damn bored. Then kena relieve teacher the one yg, boring, square. yeah, cause he looks like square. Ustaz Azman needed to go to work. Dengar-dengar nih pon bukan keje kau pe? Correct what. Two weeks already know! So I gues, now that I'm in secondary school, i DO have reason to go to Madrasah. with love- me |
title: headaches, migranes= stressed. Hello.
I've been having lots of headaches lately, lots. Thank God exams are over. or not, I'l be like, failing everything cause I can't concentrate. I think most probably my headaces are because:
Siblings, lazy wna talk about them ah, make my heart more paiful only. goodbye. |
title: ohmaigoddeh! It's been long I've been wanting to say this. Though before this happened, I didn't want to say. But then again, only after it commeneced, i thought back. I do want to say it. And now I'm finally saying it. I missed everything before this. I missed the daily routine I go through before this. I miss it. Now it's coming. Though I know I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to. So now, something I've been dying to say:
The exams are over. Yes, like finally, it's over. and i guessed I screwed up in art just now. My marker ran out of ink and i was halfway through doing it. Luckily it wasn't loud when I said, "holy shit!" when my black marker just HAD to turn white. Super Irritating. Oh and, my drawing was a little too much detail that on the last 15 mins, i still havent finished outline. yeah. But thanks to Hanan and Wenli, I felt much better when they said that my drawing was nice. Thank you sayangs. So i think, that's it, for now. Signed sincerely, me |
title: stressed much? |
title: science, oh dear. Hello.
I've been updating alot lately. Kay so, tomorrow's Science, & I can't study in peace if there just HAVE to be some interuptions in the house. I study outside, confirm they ask me do something, while I'm studying. Then I want do, they say I'm tryna escape studying. What the fuck kan? Then, if I study inside, they think I not studying. They keep knocking door and all that shout like mad people from outside saying I drama only study. Then I wna study outside, she confirm got tsunami. You expect me to leave the house with her attitude merepek like that. How the hell am i supposed to study? They're currently indirectly praying that I'd fail again by swaering and all that. How am I gonna get high hopes. Make me have low self esteem kan. Then like, confirm everytime they say something, very hurtful. Well it seems that they simply ENJOY looking at their daughter suffering. Yes, that's the word. I think I'm daring enough to bet, that I won't suceed in life, and it's all because of them while they nagging their throats outs and spoiling my eardrums saying that it's entirely my fucking fault I end up like that. "If you're gonna hurt me, then do it quickly. Cause I'm tired of crying" My eyes are swollen, and they don't even realise it to make it worse. |
title: season of secrets... haaaaaaluuuu.
today, was, LONG (Mr LONGahLONG):D kurang ajar siaaaaak. aaanyway, Met Hazirah baby at Popular Tampines Mall after madrasah. Wanted to pinjam her art question paper cause i love mine. :D Anyway, after calling my daddaye with him screaming in my ears after i asked him, nicely. I had no choice but not to lepak with Hazirah sayang. D: So then, went to nenek's house after getting back and as usual, eat the shit out as if the house was ours. I love my nenek. Then when we were about to leave, I gave her that heart-warming hug, which I've never did, for a long time. Oh and talking about hugs, my hug with Obek Esah sayang was cute, sweet, cuddly. She ah, VERYVERYVERY motherly. It was nice, veryveryvery. OMG NOW'S WHO'S LINE IS IT ANYWAY! oh and, before this i watched: Scariest places on Earth Hell yeah, it WAS scary. toodles. |
title: art, oh dear. ![]() I'm currently bursting my head out of the research for art. We have to draw a 1 point perspective room, based on either: -lines and dots in action -shapes in play. I've been searching for like, since my mom left, and NONE of the room drawings had lines, dots, or shapes. As in, none was realted to the theme, which was, IRRITATING So anyway, was back from Geography exams just now. Well I must conclude, Geography is an exam which you HAVE to study. You don't you're finnisshhheD (immitates Ustaz Azman). Yes, so to all you little kiddos who's burting their heads for PSLE this year, take note. But overall, it was fine. So, as for the long weekend, Im planning to like, sleep my butt off. BUT NO.....!Thank you very much, Mid-Year Examinations. pfft. I'm of. signed sincerely, me |
title: "I dont know how to play it like im not in love with you, but i'll try. even though I do still.. miss you, just like the air that I breath, I need you with me Im not gonna lie, I cant imagine my life without you, but I.. suppose I will survive." Hello! Long time no blog. Alott of things are going on, especially cause the world's ending. Yes, it is. I admit, I have been doing many sins since i was like, 4-5? But that doesn't count, as far as I'm concern. Only after I get my red light, which is end of Primary 5. Yes, only that short period of time, and I have been doing A LOT of sins, alot. I think, it's really time for me to get back, to where I'm supposed to be. But I know, even though they predict it's gonna be in 2012, it's still way too late. I want to see my brother grow, just like how my sister watch me grow for 13 years. I wanna grow and get my own job, to feel how my parents work their asses out to get me comfortable. I wanna get married, to feel the one-day feeling of being the queen. I want to make my own family, so that I know the pain that my mother went through with me. I want to do everything. But it seems, god doesn't allow me to. To everybody out there, I'm sorry for all the sins i've done, Im sorry for all the misunderstanding, I'm sorry, for everything. Before we leave this world and there's no one to care about, only yourself, let's make it to the fullest, shall we.? Spread the love around, cause I love you guys so much. all i want to say is, take care of yourself, and your ibadah. yes, you might say I'm alem: that's cause I'm really scared of doomsday. and let's all go to syurga, together. amin. |