about you hereee! like how you can't stand your mother who has such a big mouth you can't even tell her anything! or the stupid sister who bosses you around? or even the angel father who does nothing.
title: Fresh and new Izaan Noorzahin Bte Ramlee
blog privated. thanks to SOME people who just doesnt know how to keep secrets. wna be invited add me on msn [if you havent yet] and tell me you email used to log in your blog. sorry for the inconvenienced caused. blame my own sister. |
title: change. I said my goodbye. Even though not loving him is harder than you know, I'm gonna try. That's the best I can do. As a start, I think I'm gonna totally change blog, blog address, blogskin as there are a lot of posts here related to him. Then when I go back to school, I'll take a different way to go to school and come back from school, not to purposely, stupidly, walk under his block just hoping that he'd be there. How stupid can I get? Talking about stupidity, I stupidly, again, wasted half a box of tissue over him. Again, how stupid can I get? Then what else? Oh, usually when I need two numbers to choose from I pick 5 and 7. 1 number, 7 which means I prioritise him more than myself. Someone tell me why I did that? Now, my numbers are 5, 10, 25. I'm gonna try to make 7 the most taboo number. And lastly, pretend I don't know any Hamizan. The only two Hamizans I know is p6 Hamizan and Sec 4 Hamizzan, i think. And I'm not gonna say Mr Ismail is the father of the guy that I've waited for 5 years. I'm gonna say that he's a DNT teacher of PRPS.
note: saying stupid all the way doesnt mean I regret. Let's start the change. |
title: goodbye. |
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title: boredd. Today's day 1 of paying back my debts to God. Chill, i know you guys are like, "huh?". Relax. For all those Muslim girls, I think you may have a PRETTY good idea of what it means. Right? Well at least, those Muslim girls who already had their first egg released from their ovaries. Haha, so basically, I'm fasting, as I didn't complete 30 days of fasting during Ramadhan. Seven days. Eh my other sister damn lucky cause she din have her red light on puasa month, which means she no need bayar. Tak fair kan? So now, it's me and my first sister fasting. And we're craving for
Siew Mai and I just asked my dad to buy for us when he comes home later. Oh My parents went out to visit my cousin, 1 DAY OPERATION YAW! man. It must be tough. SHIT I JUST SAW A LIZARD WALK PAST ME LIKE EEWWWWW!!! man disgusting. K where was i? Oh yea. And I went Central Library the one at Bugis. Cool sio! I was like, fcking jakon I stepped in side I almost said HOLY SHIT! but it turned out to be HOLY SHH! haha epic man.I miss 4264926. Did I just say that? |
title: minah. |
title: part 2 Hello. Here's part 2. WATER WORLD! omg, fucking fun! Seriously. Be jealous when you see the awesome pictures. nyaha! lovelovelove
![]() on the way. ![]() pool. ![]() BIBIIIIIIK!!! ![]() bloody hell i not in the picture. i was the one taking. But if it wasnt because of me who took the ride first, the wouldnt have gone. sheesh. ![]() this was awesome. the last part where "she sinks me, i sink her." ![]() :D:D ![]() awesomeawesome ![]() ![]() ![]() loom at my face. sungguh tak perlu tau. ![]() ![]() not that's NOT my hand on danish's shoulder. it's kak zurah's ![]() KFC AFTER SWIM! awesome. ![]() we had our tags with us. ![]() adorably cute kan? ![]() just before sleep time. watching benjamin buttons. ![]() morning breakfast. note: none of the people in this picture have bathed for the day yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() UMAR! ![]() cool kan, i killed it and it wasn't flat. so i took the leg and my sister took a shot. it looks alive. All these wonderful awesome pictures wouldnt have happened if it wasnt because of pokok's awesome DSLR camera. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN POKOK! |
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title: fcked up. im now, currently doing my homework instead of getting a good rest for the early rise tomorrow. i fucking need to pass this test. i take it seriously, not like my sister. i've done it all in pen and now i have to keep correction-ing tapie them all over cause its wrongwrongwrong. crap. drinking coffee. (L)(L)
title: back sorry for the ubber unreasonable post earlier.
Guess what? I got back from kampong just today, like, just now around 5. Then need to rest and eat dinner of course no time do homework which needs to be handed in tomorrow morning. The only time to do is, at night. Then need to see the voltage of all the lamps and all that. If I literally take out all the bulbs and see the voltage like, impossible right? Then my dad asked me to go 7-11. You know what? My mum's too protective not to allow me to go out of the house at night alone. Like fck, it's my bloody homework + NCC exam. Fcking important right? Now what am I supposed to do. Change of topic. KAMPONG! I had a great time. I would upload pics, but some of them. More available on facebook. OH AND this, is of course, with pokok's "DSLR" camera with us. Thanks pokok! [note why I put inverted commas on dslr] ![]() alalala... cute kan? ![]() first thing in the morning. ![]() mat guitar. ![]() MOTOR AH BABE! wah this was fun. But I failed. but seriously fun. ![]() wah minah rep! chey kidding. mat jiwang. my cousin's hot. admit that. be jealous. ![]() PHOTOSHOP! ![]() ![]() sorry, cousin ONLY. ![]() Wah because I failed my lisence, he brought me. next time, you'd see pictures of me at the FRONT! that's it for now hotstuffs. amigos. |
title: miss me |
title: continue. |